Dear Song Dog / by Sarah Ronald

An exchange between a human and an omnipresent coyote, using drawings and photography as the channel of communication. #dearsongdog

Dear Song Dog⁠

We’ve spoken of loss before. You are right about grief, it feels that there is no other place to be when you are in it. But ever so slowly, it’s power dulls as you become familiar with it. Becoming familiar with darkness and death is just as important as being familiar with life and birth. Feeling and sensing all of it is important to gaining a greater understanding of life beyond one’s own existence.⁠

There are some humans who offer insights like you do. About intentionally spending time with the things that are uncomfortable, so that those experiences lose their power and you can naturally move into a place of curiosity instead....Why does this make me uncomfortable? What is it that initiates this discomfort? Why am I so opposed to some things and then perfectly fine and able to overlook other things?⁠

As an artist, this is why I love your species so much. You are everywhere. You are of raw unbridled nature.
I think that our reaction to coyote is a reaction to the parts of ourselves that we deem too fierce to accept. ⁠