Dear Song Dog / by Sarah Ronald

An exchange between a human and an omnipresent coyote, using drawings and photography as the channel of communication. #dearsongdog

Dear Song Dog ⁠

The spring season is here and it is time to let go. Let go of the winter. Let go of things that we’ve been holding in preparation for an abundant season.

When the turkey vultures return to their roost I know the season has shifted and that the cycles of birth and death are present. ⁠

Humans tend to gardens. Flowers bloom and get plucked or deadheaded, they know not their fate. I leave the blooms in my gardens for their full cycles because other lives depend on them. Even in the fall I leave many things untrimmed because they make winter homes. ⁠

All those cocoons are opening now, the birds eat, the ants crawl, the tulip heads disappear in the night. ⁠

It’s bigger than keeping up appearances. Everything is so much bigger than impressing the neighbours.⁠